Nurra Yazici

Stains and Clouds

December 12, 2024 - February 9, 2025

Opening Reception
Thursday, December 12, 2024 - 6-8pm

© Nurra Yazici

Sky is the common space of eternity and being. The sky/the infinite void, which can manipulate various concepts including time and alter the form of experience, is represented by clouds as a metaphorical image. Clouds are the spots that are the symbol of unmeasurable time and ultimately of temporality. Spots, which make being visible and create infinite probabilities, transform the clouds into a mental and aesthetic image by preventing them from merely being an appearance.

As the alter-space and the genesis of ideas created by the perspective of photographer, photography changes and is to change. This quest for creating a ‘thing’ by the artist is the very ‘thing’ that also creates the artist.

Revealing the creative potential of pattern, form, light, and material by her works, Nurra Yazici approaches daily life as a field of exploration and playground for her artistic

production. What is exciting is that the audience participates in this play without any need to be persuaded. The artist shares this time with the audience Stains and Clouds, which she explores with analog and digital collages, double and repetitive exposures, varied surfaces, inventive printing and temporal intervention, as a hybrid medium creating vibrations between photograph and animated image.

About the Artist: Nurra Yazici

Nurra Yazici, who makes artistic productions in photography and multimedia art works, brings together different layers, textures and patterns with a poetic language. Her art works, which turn into a tool that produces new ideas and plasticity from the artist's point of view, eliminate the impossibilities between reality and imagination. 

It is not clear where the images in the photographs come from and where they go. What is certain is the pictorial narrative that reflects the power of the experimental aspect of the artist who willingly accepts the margin of error in the creative process. She changes and rewrites ordinary stories and images with the different surfaces and her perspective makes the details and possibilities invisible in everyday life visible and possible.

The artist makes photography into a field of visual research through experimental photographic practices, analogue and digital photo collages, photo-manipulation, various paper and surface materials, overlapping and repeatedly printed poses. With the practice of art production built on an intellectual infrastructure and questions far beyond sensitisation, Nurra Yazıcı turns her own narrative language into a game within the infinite possibilities of photography. The exciting thing is that the audience are involved in this game without needing to be convinced.

Since 2008, Nurra Yazici has been realizing artistic productions and has been living in Houston, Texas since 2015.



For questions about this exhibition, please contact Exhibitions

Exhibitions and Programs Coordinator, or 713-529-4755, ext 16.

About the Curator: Filiz Ağdemir

An independent curator based in Istanbul, Filiz Ağdemir works on contemporary curatorial projects, including exhibitions, publications, and digital media initiatives for artists, collectors, institutions, and independent art communities. She completed the "Contemporary Art and Curatorship" programme designed and implemented in collaboration with Akbank Sanat and Open Dialogue between 2019-2020, and completed her BA in Communication, MA in Cultural Management and PhD in Sociology at Istanbul Bilgi University and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (MSFAU) 2002-2016.

Between 2006-2016, she worked in public and private art institutions, contemporary art galleries and cultural projects such as Santralistanbul Contemporary Art Museum, İş Bank Museum, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Museums, Istanbul Archaeological Museums, Koç Museum, Beşiktaş JK Museum. Working as an independent curator since 2017, Filiz Ağdemir writes for magazines and publications on independent  art and artist initiatives and productions, digital media and digital artworks, contemporary art and experience design in art. 

Filiz Ağdemir is a woman and activist born in Istanbul in 1981.